
.NET (2) ALM (1) Appveyor (1) AST (1) CI (1) Continuous Integration (1) Excel (1) export (1) NuGet (1) Open Source (1) OpenXml (1) Parser (1) performance (1) Roslyn (1) software development (2) Visitor (1) С# (1)

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Excel export can be fast

The open source JumboExcel library presented is in this writing is juggling with hundreds of thousands of Excel cells in subsecond time, is memory friendly due to the streaming approach and is able to work in a multi-threaded server environment. You can check out the project's GitHub page and also use it in a form of binary NuGet package. It has not presented a single performance issue in two years of using in a heavily-loaded production system.

Thursday 31 March 2016

Owning a data format

When designing a software system, it's important to be  careful with the dependencies we are taking, especially those we don't own.
But what if we introduce a dependency which that is not so easily recognizable?

Thursday 24 March 2016

Publishing a .NET project with Appveyor and NuGet

Creating a complete build system for an open source project with GitHub, versioning according to the Semantic Versioning ("semver") specification and publishing related NuGet packages on, including a capability to publish pre-release packages suitable for a project with parallel releases.